Future Focus Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead, Focus on Positive Futures.

How Can Mediation Help You?

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

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In joint Mediation sessions, the clients will listen to the views of the other client. They will gain an understanding of the views and interests that determined the basis for the positions taken by the other client.

Mediation offers a forum/setting for the clients to have conversations with a Mediator present to guide those discussions. The Mediation meeting is a safe environment where conversations can occur in a calm peaceful setting.

Discussions in Mediation meetings will be held confidential. This allows the clients to fully share their views without concern that the information will be shared outside of the meeting.

Mediation is voluntary. Both clients must agree to engage in Mediation. The voluntary nature of Mediation indicates that both clients are willing to work towards resolution of the conflict. Commitment of both clients to use Mediation to resolve their conflict, means that both clients will be supportive of any agreements.

The clients determine the outcome in Mediation. The Mediator does not make the decisions. The Mediator utilizes a process to promote full communication, sharing of views, listening and gaining a mutual understanding of the issues.

In Mediation clients are empowered to reach their own decisions. The clients know their situations better than anyone else. They can achieve the optimum solutions to best address their unique needs. Mutual agreement by both clients will promote a lasting resolution and prevention of future conflicts.

A dispute that ends with a mutually satisfactory agreement, reached in a constructive manner, can solidify an existing relationship or serve as the basis of a new more positive relationship.

The conversations in the Mediation Process allow the clients to resolve their own conflicts through their own decisions. Mediation is the key to the achievement of successful agreements that will serve to support positive relationships for better futures.

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Future Focus Mediation

Regina, SK Canada 1-306-570-5743