Future Focus Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead, Focus on Positive Futures.

How Can Mediation Help You?

Marg will listen to your story and help you identify your concerns, needs and interests and allow you to consider and compare the different options with regards to property division, child and spousal support.

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My Commitment to You

I am committed to ensuring that your difficulties can be resolved in a timely and cost effective manner with a focus on improving communication and relationships for the future. I will work to ensure that your separation agreement is thorough and has addressed all of the issues around financial property division, child support and spousal support, as well as a comprehensive and useful parenting plan.
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Get In Touch Today

Information shared in mediation is confidential. Your mediator (Marg) will encourage and facilitate open and transparent discussion.

All meetings will be held virtually via Zoom unless specifically requested.

Regina, SK   Canada / 1-306-570-5743

Mediation Monday Blog

Click here to view our monthly blog.

Benefits of Divorce Mediation

I will guide you through each step your divorce


Conflict Resolution 

Conflict Resolution

Mediation Empowers You to Reach Your Own Decisions.
Mediation will allow you to have your unique situations resolved.
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Focus on Futures

Focus on the needs and interests of the children. Better Roads Ahead. Moving Forward.
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Settlements home 

Out of Court Settlements

Mediation avoids adversarial court processes. Resolves differences and promotes better understanding of each other.
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Peaceful Conversations

Respectful Calm Discussions, Improved Communications. Will address the heart of your concerns.
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About Future Focus and Mediation

Brighter Futures Ahead , Focus on Positive Futures.

Steps In Family Law Mediation

I will guide you through each step of your conflict resolution
1. Agreement to the Mediation Process.
2. Intake Interviews by the Mediator of each client to hear your story
3. Joint Mediation meetings to discuss issues related to separation, Division of Property, Parenting Schedules, Child Support, Spousal Support.
4. Separation Agreement created by you.
5. Each client obtains independent legal advice regarding the Separation Agreement.
6. Separation Agreement is approved by the Court to grant a Divorce.

Understanding is Key to Mediation and Positive Future Relationships.

Mediation will promote discussions to reach better understanding.

The Basic Steps of Understanding

There are a few practical steps that you can follow to make your relationship function more smoothly. Try to:
  • Encourage: Can you say more about what you mean?
  • Clarify: Remind me, when did I do that?
  • Empathize: I can tell that you are very upset with me.
  • Summarize: Let me check back what I hear you are saying. Did I miss something?
  • Validate: I guess I do act helpless in front of the children because I’m hoping that they will see how you treat me. I can see how that would feel demeaning to you.
  • Affirm: So, to you, I was inflexible when I suggested my preferred Christmas Day schedule for the kids.

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Future Focus Mediation

Regina, SK Canada 1-306-570-5743